You fly second star to the right, and straight on till morning. ⭐️ This iconic Big Ben night flying scene on a frame with a hidden Easter egg of 1,953 likes representing the year Disney’s Peter Pan came out in 1953.
Keychain is double-sided, measures 3.2h x 2.8”w with transparent see-through sky elements.
🌟 The metal-ware that we use can be removed so you can customize your own keychain when you receive it. Some styles we recommend you can customize with are ball bead style ( or the lobster clasp swivel style (
💕 Keychain contains small parts and accessories that may be small and can be a choking hazard if it falls off. Please do not eat it. Always supervise young children when wearing them. Please send us any questions you might have about caring for this item.
✨ Color Disclaimer: Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and everyone sees colors a little differently. Check out our Instagram for more color examples. ✨